Evaluation of patients’ satisfaction of departments in Islamic Azad University Dental branch, in 2009 Haji Fattahy F 1 , Rezaie M 2 , Valaie N 3 , Khosravani B 4 , Haraji A 5 , Mehrshadian M 3 1Assistant Professor, Department of oral Diseases, Islamic Azad university,Dental Branch,Tehran,Iran 2 Associate Professor, Department of oral Diseases, Islamic Azad university,Dental Branch,Tehran,Iran 3Faculty member of Islamic Azad university,Dental Branch,Tehran,Ira 4Assistant Professor, Department of orthodontics, Islamic Azad university,Dental Branch,Tehran,Iran 5 Associate Professor, Department of oral&maxillofacial surgery, Islamic Azad university,Dental Branch,Tehran,Iran Abstract Background and Aim: Patient satisfaction is one of the most important factors to improve the quality of educational centers thus increasing patient referral and promote practical training of the students. To now in this faculty no such study has been done, so this research aimed to evaluate patients’ satisfaction from dental care given in different departments of Tehran faculty of dentistry, Islamic Azad University year1387. Materials and Methods : In this cross sectional study 1500 subjects who referred consequently were selected from clinics with the same proportional ratio of patient referral to every clinic. After explanation of project to every subject through interview, satisfaction was estimated by 13 questions about distant way, waiting time, treatment duration ….with a range of 3 options of completely satisfied, relatively satisfied, dissatisfied and ranking of 0, 1, and 2. Total rank less than 1/3 was known as dissatisfied, between 1/3 – 2/3 as relatively satisfied, and higher than 2/3 as satisfied. The role of related factors was subjected to chi-square statistics. Results : 71% of all subjects spoke out satisfaction, 27.5% were relatively satisfied, and 1.5% dissatisfied. The prevalence of dissatisfaction in the population was estimated from 26.7% to 31.3%.The most dissatisfaction was related to removable denture patients:64.7% and the least was in oral surgery clinic :13.5% (p<0.05).The most dissatisfaction factor was long distance and waiting room ambiance but the least dissatisfaction was about student behavior, hygiene and professors behavior. Conclusion : The satisfaction level of patients in Tehran dental faculty of Islamic Azad University was acceptable but according to presence of dissatisfaction in patients and its consequences, appropriate improvements are recommended. Key words : Patient satisfaction - dental faculty - dental clinic Manuscript submitted: Sep 2010, Revised and acceptance Dec 2010
Corresponding Author : Farnaz Haji Fattahy-Assistant Professor, Dept of Oral Medicine, Islamic Azad University Dental branch . No.4, 10th Neyestan Alley Pasdaran Ave.Tehran, Iran Tel: 09123763452 Email: dr_h_fattahi@yahoo.com |