Background and Aim: Due to the dramatic increase in dental treatment under general anesthesia and the potential risks and the need for a quality and durable treatment, the study aims to investigate the failure of dental treatment under general anesthesia
Materials and Methods: This descriptive cross-sectional studywas carried out on 114 healthy children from systemically due to lack of cooperation and S-ECC at the Hospital Clinic of Babol had received dental treatment under general anesthesia in 1388-1392 and At least 6 months pasts after the last treatment. The information was collected by dentistry mirror and explorer on children through clinical examination and the medical records of each patient were recorded. Data analysis was performed by spss18. To compare the impact of different factors on the failure of Restoration the Chi-square test was used
Results: Pulp treatment had high successful rate of 100% for pulpectomy and 96.9% for pulpotomy. ssc restoration had the least ( 5.2 % ) and posterior composite restorations had the most common failure rate (13.3%). Among anterior restorations, composite CL I and composite build us had the least and the most common failure rates, respectively. (6.8% and 9.8%) Significant difference between the SSC and 3 surface post composite was found (P=0.04) The relationship between maternal education and fluoride therapy sessions -up with the rate of treatment failure was observed . (p = 0.001,p = 0.0001)
Conclusion: Pulpectomy and SCC restorations were the most successful treatments. It is recommended to limit the use of composite restorations in anterior teeth and posterior teeth restored with stainless steel crowns. Treatment success is not only the success of restorations But the knowledge and education of parents, especially mothers and use of fluoride also plays an important role in the future success of the treatment of caries.
Key words: Dental Care, General Anesthesia, Hospital, Pediatric, Hospital Dental, Service.
KHodadadi E, KHafari S, Kuhestany F. Failure assessment of pediatric dental treatment under general anesthesia. J Res Dent Sci 2015; 12 (3) :137-144 URL: