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:: Volume 21, Issue 3 (jrds 2024) ::
J Res Dent Sci 2024, 21(3): 190-196 Back to browse issues page
Evaluation of clinical and radiographic success rate of a pulpotomy in primary molar teeth treated in pediatric department of the faculty of dentistry
Ladan Pakzad , Katayoun Salem , Sogol Heidary firoozabadi4 , Nilofar Farmanbar *
Abstract:   (346 Views)
Background and Aim: Pulpotomy of primary teeth is a common and daily treatment in pediatric dentistry, and by performing this treatment properly and accurately, tooth pain, infection, and extraction can be prevented. Considering the advantages and disadvantages of various pulpotomy treatment methods, it is necessary to evaluate the success rate of these methods (pulpotomy), in an educational environment.
Materials and methods: The intended study is a descriptive study. The files in the pediatric department were reviewed by a dental student. Patients, age range three to seven years old were selected from both genders, boys and girls. Through phone calls, patients were asked to present for a follow-up visit. After obtaining consent, and according to the inclusion and exclusion criteria of the study, The examination was performed using a mirror and explorer and the dental unit’s light. Periapical radiography (parallel technique) was used for radiographic evaluation. To reduce the error of interpretation, each radiograph was evaluated by two people (student and supervisor) independently. The results were statistically analyzed by SPSS20 and descriptive chi-square test.
Results:35 participated in this study which 90 of their  primary molar were treated by  formocresol  in the last 24 months.43/7% of patients were boy and 56/3% were girl.70/3 % of teeth were treated by stainless steel crown,27/8 % by  amalgam and 1 %by composite after pulpotomy procedure. In total,23 cases f all examined teeth had pathological clinical signs, and 66 cased had pathological radiographic signs.
Conclusion: Finally  ,the clinical   and radiographic success rate of pulpotomy was estimated   respectively 76/9 % and 44%.
Keywords: Pulpotomy, Primary tooth, Formocresol, Primary molar teeth, Formocresol.
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Type of Study: original article | Subject: Pediatrics
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pakzad L, salem K, heidary firoozabadi4 S, farmanbar N. Evaluation of clinical and radiographic success rate of a pulpotomy in primary molar teeth treated in pediatric department of the faculty of dentistry. J Res Dent Sci 2024; 21 (3) :190-196
URL: http://jrds.ir/article-1-1411-en.html

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