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:: Volume 21, Issue 1 (jrds 2024) ::
J Res Dent Sci 2024, 21(1): 17-26 Back to browse issues page
Evaluatation of two nickle-titanium systems’ (Neolix and X Pro Gold) resistance to fracture after immersion in sodium hypochlorite.
Solmaz Araghi , Abbas Delvarani , Faeze Dehghan , Parisa Kaghazloo *
Dental Material Research Center, Tehran Medical Science, Islamic Azad University, Tehran,Iran , pariskaghazloo@gmail.com>
Abstract:   (789 Views)
Background and Aim:  NiTi instruments have a high risk of separation due to torsional or flexural fatigue (cyclic fatigue). Chemomechanical preparation and chemical disinfection causes the corrosion of endodontic instruments that may weaken the fracture resistance of the instruments. This study is to evaluate the two nickle-titanium systems’ (Neolix and X Pro Gold) resistance to fracture after immersion in sodium hypochlorite.
Materials and methods: In this in vitro study, 32rotary files of Neolix file(Neolix,France) and X Pro Gold file (Easyinsmile,China),in size of 25 and 25 mm long were examined. The samples were divided into 2 groups of Neolix and X Pro Gold files(n=16). Then each group was divided into 2 subgroups: 2/5% sodium hypochlorite and normal saline based on the type of irrigation solution (n = 8). Cyclic fatigue test was performed with artificial canals in stainless steel blocks with a 60 ° angle of curvature and a radius of 5 mm.  The files used inside the artificial canals according to the manufacturer's instructions based on the torque (Neolix=1.5 N.cm and X Pro Gold=2.5 N.cm) and recommended speed (350 rpm), until they broke. Fracture time in seconds and number of cycles to failure (NCF) were calculated. The length of the broken piece was calculated in both files. Finally, the fractured surfaces of 2 samples from each group were randomly examined via scanning electron microscopy. SPSS software version 26 and two-way ANOVA test were used to analyze the data (p <0.05).
Results: The average length of the broken piece was 4/95 mm in X Pro Gold file and 2/75 mm in Neolix file. Storing environment (p = 0.654) did not affect the number of cycles before fracture of the X Pro Gold and Neolix files,but file type (p<0.001) had an impact on it.
Conclusion: The results of this study showed that storing environment did not affect the number of cycles before fracture of X Pro Gold and Neolix files but file type affected them.Neolix file(NCF hypo=1098,NCF saline=1088) had a better performance than X Pro Gold file(NCF hypo=509 ,NCF saline=474).
Keywords: Sodium Hypochlorite, Cyclic Fatigue Resistance, Rotary File
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Type of Study: original article | Subject: Endo
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Araghi S, Delvarani A, dehghan F, Kaghazloo P. Evaluatation of two nickle-titanium systems’ (Neolix and X Pro Gold) resistance to fracture after immersion in sodium hypochlorite.. J Res Dent Sci 2024; 21 (1) :17-26
URL: http://jrds.ir/article-1-1452-en.html

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