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Instruction for Authors


  Journal of Research in dental sciences is a scientific publication with the purpose of informing readers with up to date science and promotion of Dentistry knowledge. This Journal welcomes articles, case reports and Reviews in all fields of dentistry. Journal of Research in Dental sciences is published quarterly and is supported financially by the research vice chancellor of Islamic Azad University Dental Branch –Tehran - Iran .structure of the article:


  Title page

  1) The manuscript title should be informative maximum 15 words and without any abbreviations

  2) The title page should contain author’s full names and their instructional affiliations and E-mails.

  3) E-mail, Address, telephone and fax of the corresponding author should be included.



  All the papers should have Persian and English abstracts, each on separate pages (The English abstract should be an exact translation of the Persian)

  The abstract of original articles should include title, introduction, materials & methods, results, conclusion and three to five keywords from the Medical Subject Heading (MSH) .

  The abstract should be short and concise, at most 250-300 words.


  Main Tex of the Articles :

  The original articles should be organized in the following sections: Introduction, Materials & Methods, Results, Discussion and Conclusion, Acknowledgement and References. The type of the study and statistical analysis should be mentioned in the Materials & Methods.

  Case reports must include introduction, diagnosis, etiology, treatment objectives substitution methods, discussion and conclusion and in minimum it should contain introduction, case description, discussion and conclusion. It is worth to mention that case reports should be documented, concise and containing maximum of 4 figures and 8 references. The case should be rare or novelty in diagnosis or treatment.

  The review articles should include purpose, description of the subject, discussion and conclusion. Review articles must be a general evaluation of new scientific issue and is accepted from experimental scientists with research background about the subject who refer to their previous works in the manuscript.

  Figures, tables and diagrams should be organized separate pages and their location be mentioned in the main text with their proper explanation in a frame.



  All manuscripts should contain an acknowledgement specifying and acknowledging contributors other than the author’s .The authors should also recognize the financial support source in this section.

  Figures, tables and diagrams should be organized in separate page and their location should be mentioned in the main text with their proper explanation in a frame.


  Figures and photographs criteria:

  All the figures must include in electronic version of the manuscript with complete resolution and legends.

  Microscopic figures should have film markers and arrows symbols or used in these pictures must completely be distinguished (magnification and the method of staining should be mentioned)

  Arrows signs numbers or letters used in these pictures should be explained as footnotes

  If the pictures of persons is used their identification should be kept confidential.


  Tables and diagrams:

  Each table should include a title above, with 1cm line spacing.

  Non-standard abbreviations should be explained as footnote of the table.

  Do not duplicate the data of the text in tables.

  If the results are presented as table or diagram just mention the important points in the text.

  The diagrams are preferable method of presentation when there is large amount of data.

  The legends should be written under diagram. The diagrams should be 2 dimensional.

  If it references is Journal:

  The author (s) last name (space) First character of first name ( ) .Full title of the article ( ) abbreviation of journals name and publication year ( ) volume (number) ( ) pages.

  In the reference is a book:

  The author (s) last name (space) first character of first name ( ) full title of the book ( ) edition (Ed) place of publication ( ) publisher ( ) year of publication ( ) page

  If the reference is a chapter in a book:

  The author ( ) last name (space) First character of first name ( ). Full title of the chapter ( ) in the rest of the information is similar to the previous part.

  If the reference is a thesis :

  Students last name (space) first character of first name ( ) Full title of the thesis ( ) dissertation ( ) country name ( ) faculty and University name ( ) year of publication ( ). (Persian)

  If the reference is electronic (Site)

  Authors names ( ) Title ( ) publication year ( ) page numbers Available at website Address .date of access in month day year respectively. Comment: if the authors name is not mentioned, the title of the subject comes first.

  Ethical approvals :

  In experimentation involving human subjects identifying information of the patients should be kept confidential and informed consent from the patient parents or legal guardian should be obtained. These studies will only be published if the research has been conducted in full accordance with ethical principles of the University Ethical Committee and the world Medical Association Declaration of Helsinki revised in 2000. In animal experimental animal care and instructions should be considered. Plagiarism should be avoided since it undermines credulity of the paper.

  Submission and publication of clinical trial studies in Medical Sciences Journals in Iran should be considered. Plagiarism should be avoided since it undermines credibility of the paper.

  Submission and publication of clinical trial studies in Medical Sciences Journals in Iran should be preceded by registration at Iranian Registry of clinical Trials ( www.IRCT.ir).Registration number should accompany manuscript submission.

  Conflict of interest :

  Authors are responsible for recognizing and disclosing financial and other conflicts of interest that might bias their work. Report any commercial association that might pose a conflict of interest, such as ownership, stock holding and consultant activities or patent –licensing situations. If the manuscript is accepted, the disclosed information will be published with the article.

  Cover letter :

  All submissions to the Journal of Research in Dental sciences must be accompanied by a complete copy of signed cover letter including the copyright agreement by all authors. The authors should warrant that the article has not been published previously or is not under consideration for publication by another journal.

  Submission :

  The manuscripts should be submitted via our online website www.dentaliau.ir/dental.Journal the authors could also send their articles to the following email address: Dentaliau@ gmail.com

  Review process:

  The manuscripts would be considered for review by the date of reception. After initial editorial screening, manuscripts will be forwarded to two peer reviewers who are experts in the filed. Qualified tacticians evaluate the statistic methods of the paper. If approved, depending on the article type, the manuscripts will be published in alphabetical order of the author’s last name. The manuscripts will not be returned.

  The Journal is free to accept or reject the article, and if necessary will send its point of views to the author in 3 months for re-evaluation. The author must resubmit the revised article with acceptable explanations in 2 months.

  The authors are responsible for the published and all rights of the publication including copyright are preserved for the authors and the journal.

  Five reprints of the published manuscript will be sent to the corresponding author.




  Number references consecutively in the order of appearance in the text and list them at the end of the paper in Vancouver style. Each reference number should be placed at the end of the sentence in the text.

  If it references is Journal:

  The author (s) last name (space) First character of first name ( ) .Full title of the article ( ) abbreviation of journals name and publication year ( ) volume (number) ( ) pages.

  In the reference is a book:

  The author (s) last name (space) first character of first name ( ) full title of the book ( ) edition (Ed) place of publication ( ) publisher ( ) year of publication ( ) page

  If the reference is a chapter in a book:

  The author ( ) last name (space) First character of first name ( ). Full title of the chapter ( ) in the rest of the information is similar to the previous part.

  If the reference is a thesis :

  Students last name (space) first character of first name ( ) Full title of the thesis ( ) dissertation ( ) country name ( ) faculty and University name ( ) year of publication ( ). (Persian)

  If the reference is electronic (Site)

  Authors names ( ) Title ( ) publication year ( ) page numbers Available at website Address .date of access in month day year respectively. Comment: if the authors name is not mentioned, the title of the subject comes first.

  Ethical approvals :

  In experimentation involving human subjects identifying information of the patients should be kept confidential and informed consent from the patient parents or legal guardian should be obtained. These studies will only be published if the research has been conducted in full accordance with ethical principles of the University Ethical Committee and the world Medical Association Declaration of Helsinki revised in 2000. In animal experimental animal care and instructions should be considered. Plagiarism should be avoided since it undermines credulity of the paper.

  Submission and publication of clinical trial studies in Medical Sciences Journals in Iran should be considered. Plagiarism should be avoided since it undermines credibility of the paper.

  Submission and publication of clinical trial studies in Medical Sciences Journals in Iran should be preceded by registration at Iranian Registry of clinical Trials ( www.IRCT.ir).Registration number should accompany manuscript submission.

  Conflict of interest :

  Authors are responsible for recognizing and disclosing financial and other conflicts of interest that might bias their work. Report any commercial association that might pose a conflict of interest, such as ownership, stock holding and consultant activities or patent –licensing situations. If the manuscript is accepted, the disclosed information will be published with the article.

  Cover letter :

  All submissions to the Journal of Research in Dental sciences must be accompanied by a complete copy of signed cover letter including the copyright agreement by all authors. The authors should warrant that the article has not been published previously or is not under consideration for publication by another journal.

  Submission :

  The manuscripts should be submitted via our online website www.dentaliau.ir/dental.Journal the authors could also send their articles to the following email address: Dentaliau@ gmail.com

  Review process:

  The manuscripts would be considered for review by the date of reception. After initial editorial screening, manuscripts will be forwarded to two peer reviewers who are experts in the filed. Qualified tacticians evaluate the statistic methods of the paper. If approved, depending on the article type, the manuscripts will be published in alphabetical order of the author’s last name. The manuscripts will not be returned.

  The Journal is free to accept or reject the article, and if necessary will send its point of views to the author in 3 months for re-evaluation. The author must resubmit the revised article with acceptable explanations in 2 months.

  The authors are responsible for the published and all rights of the publication including copyright are preserved for the authors and the journal.

  Five reprints of the published manuscript will be sent to the corresponding author.


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مجله تحقیق در علوم دندانپزشکی Res Dent Sci
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